Other Projects

  • Webapp for extracting Text from PDF
    Webapp Link

    • Webapp created for extracting text from PDF pages using pymupdf as background engine.
  • Webapp for Forex Prediction Webapp Link

    • Webapp created using plotly dash framework in Python for prediction of various currency rates using Prophet machine learning algorithm.
  • Brilliance Scrap – A voluntary project for PSC aspirants in Telegram (April 2020) [Gitlab Link]

    • Developed a webscrapping tool for parsing previous Kerala PSC question papers and post them to a Telegram channel.

    • Used Python modules such as Beautiful Soup for parsing and sqlite3 for database creation.

  • Talent Scrap – A project for PSC aspirants (April 2020) [Gitlab Link]

    • A web scraping project to parse daily current affairs posts from Talent Academy website and create a pdf file of it.

    • Used Python modules Beautiful Soup for parsing and img2pdf for image to pdf conversion.

  • FORTRAN Input Update – bash script for FORTRAN code input (October 2019). [Gitlab Link]

    • A Bash script to update values in a FORTRAN program file for Nuclear Physics studies.
  • Forecasting of Covid-19 cases using Machine Learning Algorithms (2021 – 2022)

    • Forecasting Covid-19 cases in Kerala state using Machine learning algorithms and created a dashboard for presenting the results with visualization for Kerala State Disaster Management.
  • Website for District Medical Office, Thiruvananthapuram

    Website Link

    • A website based on Wordpress was build for sharing Covid and health regarded information for District Medical Office, Thiruvananthapuram